On this blog, cooperational efforts made by composer Almar Kok and video artist Wouter Joosen can be found. Almar and Wouter have been working together since 2006 and cooperated on three projects so far: 50 Gasten, Uit-Zicht and De Nieuwe Vorm.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Uit-Zicht: Sinaasappelborsten

For the play Uit-Zicht (by theatre-group Het Werkstuk), Almar and Wouter created some 'hallucinations'. The fifth is called 'Sinaasappelborsten' (Orange Breasts). While Mats's friend Pelle talks about his wife Marian, Mats links the oranges in Pelle's hands to her breasts. In a playful dance, the oranges soon turn into something more sinister. Almar made a chilling score, which begins ever so happily, but ends in a shrill note.

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